Sunday, March 2, 2008

The end of our journey...

My doctor scheduled me for a D&C procedure on Monday. Basically it's a procedure they do for women who miscarry babies at a certain stage of pregnancy. Despite the horrible news, I had a nice birthday. I took it easy all day then Adam and I went out to dinner at a great restaurant called The Watershed. Then around 2 AM on Saturday all hell broke lose. I woke up with excruciating cramping and pain in my abdomen. I called the on-call doctor and she told me to take one of my 800 mg Ibuprofen pills. Well that never really helped, I waited for it to kick in but it never did. Around 4 we called her again. I was barely able to talk at that point due to the pain, I was shaking uncontrollably, and I was starting to get really nauseated. She said come on to the ER, she'd let them know we were on the way.

Adam packed up all my pills (thank goodness we had them filled already) and the paperwork for the procedure. The hospital, DeKalb Medical Center, is only about 20 minutes away but it felt like hours. Adam did really well though, I told him to drive as safely and fast as possible! As soon as we got there I got in a wheelchair and things got a lot worse. I will spare you all of the details. They immediately got us into a room and the nurse started taking care of me. I got an IV with some Nubain and Phenagryn in it, which helped me to relax and sleep. They also took my blood for the pre-op blood work. Finally around 11:30 they wheeled me into the OR for the D&C procedure. I remember getting on the operating table and them putting the mask on my face, then I woke up and was in recovery.

We were on our way home around 2:30 that day. Now I can say I know what labor is like, and it's not fun. It hurts and drugs are definitely a good thing! It was a physically and emotionally painful end to this story, but we're glad it's all over. We are looking forward to a speedy recovery so we can hopefully get pregnant again late spring/early summer.

Thanks to ALL of you for the emails, phone calls, flowers, and cards. The outpouring of support from our friends and family has helped us so much. We love you all!!

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