Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life after Twilight

The Books:

Where do I begin? As of this morning I have read all four of the Twilight Series books. I was pleased with the ending but I refuse to give anything away. So if you want the details you'll just have to read for yourself. But I will say that these books are the most amazing, captivating, and truly enjoyable books I've ever read. In all my 28 years on this planet I've never had a problem reading a few chapters, waiting a week, reading a few more, etc. Not with these - these were impossible to put down. My husband and dogs are probably glad to have me back. They affected my work - couldn't concentrate - my sleep - dreamed about them constantly - and everything else in my life as well!!

In the three weeks I've spent with these books, I have feared this day. Would there be life after Twilight? I couldn't imagine parting with the characters, the thought made me very sad. I'm still sad it's over, but it's bittersweet. The author, Stephanie Meyer, closed all loose ends and left me with a very peaceful and happy feeling. What is next? I am going to dive into the online version of Stephanie's fifth book of the the series (which may or may not be published). I do plan on reading Twilight again and probably all the others as well, but maybe I'll be able to put them down this time.

The Movie:

The movie was total cheeseball, but I loved every minute of it. The part where Edward smelled Bella for the first time (when she was walking into science class) made me laugh so hard I could barely contain myself. Mainly because Adam asked me if Bella had just farted - the way Edward was holding his nose, lol. And then he proceeded to say how she looks like she smelled a fart throughout the whole movie. Edward was swoon worthy as usual, but I am not impressed with Kristen Stewart at all. I didn't have any expectations for the movie, so I guess you could say I wasn't let down. Overall I'll give it a B, and I plan on buying the DVD when it comes out!

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