Thursday, January 22, 2009

Resolution Update

In trying to hold myself accountable, I am going to periodically post updates on how I'm doing with my 2009 resolutions! I kept the resolutions pretty general - be healthier and craft more. So far I have lost 10 pounds, thanks to Good Measure Meals!!! I did cheat slightly last night and at Mexican last night, but I am not beating myself up over it! I also haven't had a single cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee yet this year, or any coffee for that matter - not even the crappy coffee at the office. I truly miss my Dunkin Donuts - I shed a little tear each day as I pass by the two DD shops on my way to work. I also have to make sure I'm in the left lane so I won't easily make that right hand turn into the parking lot. I'm also happy to report I haven't smoked a single cigarette in 2009 either!

As far as my crafting goes, you can see from the posts below that I have kept up that resolution as well! I've been ordering lots of fabrics and making things for friends. I am going to start my Etsy shop as soon as I get get some more things made. I'm calling my little business Peachy Keen Creations. I have business cards - be on the look out!

There are always improvements to be made, so I would like to address those as well. First and foremost I have got to start exercising. There's an adult dance studio down the street from me that a fellow Junior Leaguer owns, so I am going to try and start going to classes a few nights a week. They offer anything from yoga to belly dancing! I've had a hard time finding time for after work activities lately because I am seeing a Chiropractor for some back pain - thankfully nothing too serious that can't be fixed. Other improvements I need to focus more on are eating better on the weekends. It's amazing what a couple of bad meals can do to ya!

That's it for now..until next time. I will leave you with a picture of my beloved coffee. I miss you Dunkin Donuts!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blog Award!

My first ever blog award!! Thanks to Elizabeth at Coffee and Mocha I got my first award, so thanks girl!

The award states: "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

Here are my 8 fabulous friends that are award-worthy!

All Things G&D

The Hamlett Daily Dose

Keeping Up With The Wilsons

The Dickinsons

Parker The Big Brother

R&B News

This Girl's Life


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wine totes for sale!

I've mastered another project - the wine tote! Feel fashionable and flirty when you arrive to your next party! This fully insulated wine tote and will keep your wine cool and safe. Hand crafted with designer fabrics and made to order! This also makes a great hostess gift! Wine not included - that's for all my wine-o friends out there :o)

I'm starting a little side business called Peachy Keen Creations. If you like anything you see here, feel free to email me at for pricing or questions.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fun projects!

I can think of at least six people who are pregnant or have just had babies, so I have got some presents to buy or make! One thing I know babies like are Taggie blankets. I found an easy tutorial online on how to make one, so I gave it a shot today. This one pictured was just my test round one so it won't be given away (it has some mistakes) but I am ready to get started on another one!


Back (it's light yellow):

Saturday, January 10, 2009


One of my New Year's resolutions (not mentioned in post below) was to craft more. A friend of mine sent me a ton of links to easy sewing projects. This one is the first I chose to tackle. I think it takes me longer to sew than most people. I'm just sort of in that beginner stage where I'm not sure of what all the terms mean, so half the time I'm googling terms such as "baste" and other various terms. It's a learning process and I just learn as I go.

Overall the tote turned out pretty well. I just figured out that I sewed in the lining inside out...oops! So I guess I won't be "reversing" this bag! That's OK though because overall I think it turned out pretty good!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Ahh, the ol' New Year's resolution. I always toy with the idea of even making one, because I always feel like I am just setting myself up for failure with setting unattainable goals. I was thinking about my resolution this year and thinking of things like: lose weight, drink less, work out more, etc. So instead of setting a definite goal, my resolution this year is to be healthier. I think that's an all encompassing and attainable goal! Adam and I , starting Monday, will be using Good Measure Meals. GMM is a meal service in Atlanta (created by a chef) where you pick your calorie level and they prepare fresh meals for you weekly. We are doing the three meals a day plan (no more cooking, yaay!). I'm starting at the 1700 calorie level and Adam is starting at 2100. Once I get adjusted to it, I'm going to try and drop down to 1400 calories a day. If you watch Ruby on the Style Network, she uses a meal service that is created by GMM but is in Savannah, GA. The meals are fresh, never frozen, and delivered or picked up twice a week. They are really good! Hopefully this fresh start will kick start our goal of living healthier. I'm also going to do other things such as take daily vitamins and drink more water.

What is your New Year's resolution? Feel free to leave a comment with yours! Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2009 is great for us all!